Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Life without a cell phone

Hi! So I'm on the road again. This time I'm in Australia to backpack, explore and celebrate the wedding of Melodie and Christo!! I arrived in Brisbane yesterday morning (which was Monday night Ottawa time/ Tuesday morning Australia time). There were a few set backs (technical problems, delays and a missed flight... oops) but nothing to complain about. It's a really great feeling to be in absolutely no rush at all... nowhere to be, no schedule, no one waiting on me, no cell phone and no laptop. Oh but I did get singled out at customs and put in a separate room to be searched (as those who have traveled with me can confirm, this is nothing new). For some reason, if there is a button to push - I tend to get the red light. No big deal though... the lady was really nice and lenient, especially because I had no proof that I was going to a wedding. She wanted an invitation and I showed her my high heels ha-ha. Well... "I would not backpack with heels otherwise." She laughed and said OK.

So things about Australia (well, Brisbane) that I've noticed so far:

- People here are super nice and good looking. Although, I think Canadian runners need to bring over the friendly hello wave as runners pass by. I'm trying, lol.
- Things are not cheap. I've been very shocked at the price of things. $3 for a little bottle of water?? Yikes.
- I have yet to see a toilet flush clockwise. This was the first thing I looked for when I got off the plane but water came from all sides and went straight down! :| I'm on a mission to see this.
- They drive on the right side of the road but pedestrians/cyclists all stay left.
- I haven't figured out if the clutch is on the right or the left yet but I'm on it.

Anyways, that's it for now. Next I'm off Bryon Bay and then going to head up North to use my coupon for snorkel lessons that I won at a travel auction last night :-). Stay tuned.


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